Saturday, January 16, 2010

::Team HUMAN:: HAITI NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Join us in helping our fellow humans.

 EDIT:  I want to let our readers know that Dr. Cullen's Love Shack supports Yele  Haiti.  Wyclef Jean's Foundation. I know some of you might have heard some bullshit rumors today regarding that organization, however your Blogstress - Lisa, has followed Wyclef - his music and his organization for many years.  He is straight up and for real.  He is Haitian, he loves his people and he has had more boots on the ground than anyone in this past week.  I have no problems giving him the money that I KNOW in my heart will get to the people who need it.  So if you haven't yet, Text YELE to 501501 and KNOW your 5.00 will get where it needs to be

xxoo- Lisa 

Yele Haiti
This orga­ni­za­tion, founded by Wyclef Jean, cre­ates projects to improve the qual­ity of edu­ca­tion, health, envi­ron­ment and com­mu­nity devel­op­ment in Haiti. To donate to to its Haiti relief efforts, go to or text YELE to 501501 to donate $5.


Haiti has been hit with back to back earth­quakes tonight. The island is dev­as­tated. The Amer­i­can Red Cross is request­ing your help. If you can donate, even if it’s only a dol­lar please donate (the link from The Amer­i­can Red Cross is for inter­na­tional dona­tions). Haiti is an extremely poor coun­try and has been hit repeat­edly over the past few years by hur­ri­canes.  The island is in dire need of help. You can make your dona­tion here or by fol­low­ing the link from the arti­cle below. You can also donate to the Cana­dian Red Cross.
The Red Cross has set up a sys­tem where you can send dona­tions via text, you can donate 10$ by tex­ting “HAITI” to 90999 (see info below) ,  Wyclef Jean has also set up a way to send dona­tions via text (5$). Text YELE to 501 501 .We’ve also pro­vided links to var­i­ous agen­cies, as well as phone num­bers for peo­ple search­ing for loved ones.

5:20 pm The Amer­i­can Red Cross is pledg­ing an ini­tial $200,000 to assist com­mu­ni­ties impacted by this earth­quake, and is pre­pared to take fur­ther action as local respon­ders assess the sit­u­a­tion. As with most earth­quakes, we expect to see imme­di­ate needs for food, water, tem­po­rary shel­ter, med­ical ser­vices and emo­tional support.
The Amer­i­can Red Cross is accept­ing dona­tions through our Inter­na­tional Response Fund.
5:50 pm We are gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion about the earth­quake in Haiti. We will update this space as we receive facts. For now, USGS has infor­ma­tion.

You can call 1–800-418‑1111 to make a dona­tion or visit

Peo­ple in the UK can donate to Oxfam by vis­it­ing their site here.

For peo­ple search­ing for loved ones, The Red Cross has set up the fol­low­ing site

Ph0ne Num­bers:
For Amer­i­cans search­ing for loved ones (State Depart­ment) 1–888-407‑4747

More links if you want to help  from CNN:

Amer­i­can Red Cross
The Amer­i­can Red Cross’ pri­mary focus dur­ing the ini­tial response of an emer­gency is feed­ing, shel­ter­ing and sup­ply­ing any other basic needs. To donate: Go to, hit donate now but­ton at top and then Inter­na­tional Response Fund. You also can text “Haiti” to 90999 to donate $10 to the Inter­na­tional Response Fund. The money will go directly to relief efforts in Haiti. Or call 1–800-Red-Cross.
This non­profit dis­as­ter relief orga­ni­za­tion deliv­ers med­i­cine, med­ical sup­plies and aid to peo­ple in cri­sis around the world. To donate, call 1–800-486-HELP or go to Dona­tions will go toward med­i­cine and med­ical sup­plies and for expenses for pro­vid­ing that med­ical aid.
This human­i­tar­ian organization’s main focus is to fight global poverty, specif­i­cally by empow­er­ing mar­gin­al­ized women and girls. To donate to the Haiti relief fund effort, go to or call 1–800-521-CARE. Money will go toward food, water and san­i­ta­tion, shel­ter and emer­gency health response.
Direct Relief International
Direct Relief pro­vides med­ical atten­tion to those in need on an ongo­ing basis and in emer­gen­cies. Mon­e­tary dona­tions go toward med­ical aid, sup­plies and equip­ment in Haiti. To donate, go or call 805–964-4767 and 800–676-1638, or go through Google Checkout.
Medecins sans Fron­tieres (Doc­tors With­out Borders)
The human­i­tar­ian orga­ni­za­tion deliv­ers med­ical care to peo­ple caught in cri­sis. Dona­tions to its Haiti relief efforts will go toward repair­ing the obstet­rics and trauma hos­pi­tals in Haiti that were dam­aged in the earth­quake. They also will go to trans­port­ing an addi­tional 70 doc­tors and med­ical sup­plies to the island in an effort to set up makeshift emer­gency med­ical response cen­ters. To donate, go to or call 1–888-392‑0392.
Inter­na­tional Med­ical Corps
This emer­gency response agency focuses on health in emer­gency sit­u­a­tions. Mon­e­tary dona­tions go toward pur­chas­ing med­ical sup­plies, med­i­cine and emer­gency kits and trans­port­ing these sup­plies. 1–800-481‑4462 or go to
Med­ical Teams International
The Chris­t­ian global health orga­ni­za­tion sends vol­un­teer med­ical teams and sup­plies to those in the midst of dis­as­ter or poverty. Mon­e­tary dona­tions will go to sup­port­ing the med­ical teams being sent to Haiti and to the cost of ship­ping the med­ical sup­plies donated by cor­po­ra­tions. Donate by going to and click­ing on the “Donate Now” but­ton, or call 1–800-959-HEAL (4325) or send a check to Med­ical Teams Inter­na­tional, P.O. Box 10, Port­land, OR 97207.
Mercy Corps
The orga­ni­za­tion pro­vides human­i­tar­ian assis­tance and eco­nomic oppor­tu­ni­ties in the world’s tough­est places, specif­i­cally those deal­ing with poverty, con­flict and insta­bil­ity. To donate, go Money will go toward imme­di­ate human­i­tar­ian needs in Haiti, which may include, food, water and tem­po­rary shelter.
Oper­a­tion USA
The inter­na­tional relief agency pro­vides fund­ing for recon­struc­tion and devel­op­ment aid to com­mu­ni­ties that have expe­ri­enced dis­as­ters, dis­ease and poverty. For its Haiti relief efforts, the agency plans to use dona­tions for health care mate­ri­als, water purifi­ca­tion sup­plies and food sup­ple­ments. To donate, go to or call 1–800-678‑7255, or mail a check to Oper­a­tion USA, 3617 Hay­den Ave., Suite A, Cul­ver City, CA 90232.
Save the Children
The inde­pen­dent orga­ni­za­tion focuses on chil­dren in need in the U.S. glob­ally through pro­grams for health and nutri­tion, child pro­tec­tion and edu­ca­tion. To donate, go to and look under “lat­est news” for the Haiti press release, which has a link to the dona­tion page, or call 1–800-728‑3843 or 203–221-4030. Dona­tions will go toward pur­chas­ing relief items, such as hygiene kits, fam­ily kits (pots, pans, food prepa­ra­tion items) and tarps.
The Sal­va­tion Army
The Sal­va­tion Army’s mis­sion is to pro­vide food, shel­ter, cloth­ing and spir­i­tual com­fort dur­ing dis­as­ters. To donate money, go or call 1–800-SAL-ARMY. Make sure you des­ig­nate the dona­tion for “Haiti Earth­quake.” Money will go to the Sal­va­tion Army in Haiti, which will deter­mine the country’s imme­di­ate needs, includ­ing water, food, med­i­cine and transportation.
The non­profit deliv­ers boxes of sup­plies to fam­i­lies of up to 10 peo­ple. The boxes con­tain a tent and essen­tial equip­ment to use while indi­vid­u­als are dis­placed or home­less. To donate, call 941–907-6036 or go to
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
The national com­mit­tee for UNICEF is respon­si­ble for the organization’s fundrais­ing. UNICEF uses the money for health care, clean water, nutri­tion, edu­ca­tion and emer­gency relief. To donate, go to or 1–800-4-UNICEF.
World Food Programme
The food assis­tance agency’s main focus is to fight hunger world­wide. The orga­ni­za­tion is work­ing to bring food to Haiti. To donate, go to
Yele Haiti
This orga­ni­za­tion, founded by Wyclef Jean, cre­ates projects to improve the qual­ity of edu­ca­tion, health, envi­ron­ment and com­mu­nity devel­op­ment in Haiti. To donate to to its Haiti relief efforts, go to or text YELE to 501501 to donate $5.

::Team Emmett:: Kellan Lutz & Paul Wesley's Video of Cosmo Photoshoot.

Friday, January 15, 2010

::Team Carlisle:: Trailer for Peter Facinelli's new project The Delivery.

The Delivery 3D Trailer [R-rated]

The Delivery 3D | MySpace Video

A couple of months ago, Peter Facinelli announced that he had filmed a pitch trailer for The Delivery (the first in a planned trilogy) with Dave Stewart, and he went on to discuss his plans for the project.
Said Facinelli, “We just had a finished script, and I brought the project to Dave Stewart. He’s a friend of mine, and he loved it.”
Today, Facinelli launched the film’s first official website and included the pitch trailer for the project.
“We shot a 3-D pitch trailer, so we’re hoping to do [the film] in 3-D. We shot some footage … we basically put together a little scene from the movie … and now we’re just gearing up to go out to studios with it and try to get studio backing and make the picture. So, we don’t have a director set, or a studio attached,” he revealed in September.

::Team New Moon: DVD and Blu-Ray Release dates announced.

Twi-hard fans, rejoice: You will soon be able to own New Moon.
One of the most talked about films of 2009, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, will be released on a Two-Disc Special Edition DVD and Special Edition Blu-ray on March 20, 2010. That's a Saturday to allow fans (and retailers) to plan midnight Twilight parties.

Both film sets come with bonus features, including commentary with director Chris Weitz and editor Peter Lambert; a six-part behind-the-scenes documentary;  exclusive band rehearsal footage with Muse; and music videos from Death Cab for Cutie, Anya Marina and Mute Math.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

::Team Edward:: Enough with the Rumors of Rob as Spiderman!

I have to share my thoughts and displace the rumor flying all over the internet that Robert Pattinson will play Peter Parker/Spider-Man since the former star Toby Maguire has stepped away from the franchise. has clarrified the rumor and found for us where this all began. Reelz Channel announced this rumor as fact about nine months ago, when they quoted then director Sam Raimi of the Spider-Man Movies as saying, "Robert is the future of the franchise." It was soon revealed that the April 1 post was nothing but a joke — a cruel joke. It can only be assumed that Reelz and the other sites are kicking themselves for having reported this as news and seeing how ridiculously far this has gone.

I hope that with this, everyone will stop reporting the rumor, talking about it or imagining Rob in red tights...well I can imagine that, but that's for my own fantasies.

Cullen Love, Lili/ForksPixie


::Team Edward:: Exclusive Stills From 'Remember Me'

Summit Entertainment has released four new stills, three of those including Robert Pattinson, from the movie 'Remember Me' to Trailer Park on MySpace. I know I was in need of a Rob fix and these pictures do not disappoint.

In the romantic drama 'Remember Me' Robert Pattinson plays Tyler, a rebellious young man in New York City who has a strained relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan) ever since tragedy separated their family. Tyler didn’t think anyone could possibly understand what he was going through until the day he met Ally (Emilie de Ravin) through an unusual twist of fate. Love was the last thing on his mind, but as her spirit unexpectedly heals and inspires him, he begins to fall for her. Through their love, he begins to find happiness and meaning in his life. But soon, hidden secrets are revealed, and the circumstances that brought them together slowly threaten to tear them apart. Remember Me is an unforgettable story about the power of love, the strength of family, and the importance of living passionately and treasuring every day of one’s life. 'Remember Me' also stars Academy Award® winner Chris Cooper (Adaptation), and Academy Award® nominee Lena Olin (Chocolat).

Remember Me in HD

Trailer Park Movies | MySpace Video


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

::Team Bella:: Kristen Stewart in 'The Runaways' set to release.

Kristen Stewart will be back on the red-carpet promoting her new film The Runaways that opens in theaters on March 19th.

In this film Kristen plays the part of rock 'n roll icon Joan Jett. Kristen's co-stars include Dakota Fanning, Danielle Riley Keough, Scout Taylor-Compton and Michael Shannon

The Runaways is based on lead-singer Cherie Currie's book 'Neon Angel' It tells of her experiences as a rock star, but also delivering a strong anti-drug warning to it's readers.

The movie chronicles The Runaways from 1975 - 1977. The band was formed by teenage girls all under the age of 16, living near Hollywood, CA., and heavily manipulated by their manager Kim Fowley. The band ultimately succeeds on their own merits as musicians, becoming the first all-girl rock-band to ever break into the world of arena-filling hard rock acts.

Kristen cut her Bella Swan long locks to sport the mullet for her part in the film.


::Team Twilight:: Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series Takes Top Four Bestseller Spots.

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series
has taken the top four spots in USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list for 2009.

What makes this even more spectacular is that this will be the second year in a row. In the 16 year history of the Best-Selling Books list no author has ever done this. Following her on the list were 16 other vampire titles on the 100 most popular books.

We send Stephenie Meyer are warmest congratulations!


::Team Emmett:: Kellan Lutz & Paul Wesley on the Fearless Males Cosmo Cover . DROOL!!

For its 2010 Fun Fearless Male Awards, Cosmopolitan tapped two of our favorite vamps—"New Moon" star Kellan Lutz and "Vampire Diaries" star Paul Wesley —to headline its February issue (Anna Faris is on the main cover) on newsstands now. And as it turns out, the two were already buds having know each other since Kellan moved to L.A. about five years ago. In fact, they recently did some bonding on the sets of their respective bloodsucking projects.
"When we were shooting the pilot for 'Vampire Diaries,' Kellan was filming 'Twilight' in Vancouver as well," Paul said. "And so they were all staying at the same hotel. We actually ended up hanging out a bunch of times. I was kind of like, this is either really lame or really cool that we're all hanging out. I was like, what is this? Like some sort of vampire gathering where we trade secrets?"

We can only wonder if Kellan passed along a few dating tips as well, seeing as the guy's obviously got game. "I love that stuff," Kellan replied when asked if he was a romantic. "I dated one girl in elementary school 11 times. Her mom kept making her break up with me, but I always went to the dollar store and bought her a rose and then a necklace. I thought it was real gold for a dollar.


::Team Alice:: Ashley Greene interviewed by Michael Sheen

Ashley Greene was interviewed by co-star Michael Sheen (who plays Aro in New Moon) for Interview Magazine.

Sheen shows his fantastic sense of humor in the questions and Ashley is quick with the one-liners. Soon the interview goes from silliness to wonderful in-depth questions about her life growing up in Jacksonville, FL to her up an coming career. Ashley tells of the decision & her parent's support in moving to L.A. at age 17 to follow her dream to be a performer. Ashley describes going for the audition for Twilight without a script and choosing to read the books to prepare. She says that she fell in love with the series and became more determined to land a role in the movie. She goes on to share her thoughts on the phenomenon that is Twilight and the amazing fans that have supported her & her career, even those that cry and get nervous at the sight of her.

Ashley spoke about how she believes that her fans had a part in her being cast in the lead for a new film, The Apparition. She was quoted saying, "But, you know, most of my fans are really respectful and great. It’s too early for me to be jaded. Ask me in 10 years or something. . . . I just booked a lead in a Warner Brothers film, and probably part of it was because they know that there are all these fans. I mean, hopefully it’s because of my talent, too."

Yes, I believe as a fan myself, that it is her talent & I will watch in the years to come as Ashley will make it big in Hollywood and her fans will be there to support her every step of the way.

The photo shoot for the magazine are in black & white and have Ashley in barely-there-leather. She looks absolutely beautiful.


::Team Edward:: Rob's film "Little Ashes" nominated for a GLAAD award.

Robert Pattinson's film, "Little Ashes," in which he plays Salvador Dali and appears nude with the Spanish actor who plays Frederico Garcia Lorca, is nominated for a GLAAD award!

Well, Rob's in excellent company.

Here are more nominees for the 21st Annual GLAAD Media Awards, which will be held on in Los Angeles on April 15, 2010.

Among the film nominees: Tom Ford's Golden Globe®-nominated film "A Single Man," Lee Daniel's Golden Globe®-nominated film "Precious," Ang Lee's latest film "Taking Woodstock," and, of course, "Little Ashes," starring "Twilight: New Moon" star Robert Pattinson.

On TV, the GLAAD nominees include AMC's acclaimed drama "Mad Men," FOX's hit show "Glee," ABC's new comedy "Modern Family," Logo's reality show "RuPaul's Drag Race," "The Joy Behar Show," and "The Early Show's" interviews with Chaz Bono,  Lady Gaga,  Adam Lambert.

"Words and images matter," saysGLAAD President Jarrett Barrios of this year's nominees. "With these awards, we seek to recognize news coverage and entertainment programming that go beyond stock stereotypes with LGBT storylines that more fully reflect the challenges gay and transgender people face and the aspirations we hold for ourselves and our families."

The GLAAD Media Awards ceremonies will be held in New York on March 13, 2010 at the Marriott Marquis; in Los Angeles on April 17 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza; and in San Francisco on June 5 at The Westin St. Francis.

"Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon will be honored at the New York event, which will be hosted by Broadway and film star Alan Cumming. The Broadway cast of "Hair" will also receive Special Recognition for their commitment to raising visibility for marriage equality.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

::Team RESPECT:: The Quileute Nation to receive apology for MSN desecration of sacred grounds.(UPDATED)

Hey Sparkly Ones, 
It is a very rare occasion that I will report on something involving the FICTIONAL Quileute tribe but this story is stomach turning and is, unfortunately, NOT fiction.  We are all Twilight Fans and I don't think any one of us would want to see a video that desecrates the culture and the tradition of the REAL Quileute Nation.  As a Twi-Hard I'm appalled by this.  If you want to express your outrage to you can email your objections here:  FEEDBACK TO MSN.COM
I think the Twi-Hard Nation needs to come to the aid of the Quileute Nation and plainly say WE DO NOT WANT THIS.  I think MSN should donate a HUGE sum of money to the Quileute Reservation School and Health Clinic to make this outrageous breach of their culture right!

xxoo Lisa

LAPUSH -- is set to offer a public apology to the Quileute tribe today for a video shot on Stephenie Meyer Weekend in September that showed unapproved filming on the reservation -- including scenes of the cemetery and graves, said tribal spokeswoman Jackie Jacobs.

Jacobs said she was first alerted to the video on Nov. 12 -- just two days before she and tribal council members left for the Los Angeles premiere of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon."

"It was such a bittersweet trip because I found out just two days before, and I knew I would be going to this huge celebration and would have to sit down and tell the council about it," Jacobs said.

"I couldn't really reiterate verbally or adequately convey what those images were like."

The film crew shot images of the Tribal Council building, totem poles, First Beach, the Senior Center and the Quileute Cemetery.

The film was set to dark music -- described by Jacobs as "macabre" -- and was filmed in an amateur documentary style.

Grave of chief

Repeatedly zooming in and out on a grave of a Quileute tribal chief -- who Jacobs did not name -- also added to the dark, suspenseful nature of the short film.

"As a native woman, I was astounded and sick to my stomach -- especially knowing I was the person who would have to tell the family about this," Jacobs said.

When Jacobs spoke with MSN on Nov. 12, it took the video down within minutes, she said.

Jacobs said the filmmakers had contacted the Forks Chamber of Commerce for permission to film points of interest for a virtual Twilight tour.

Meyer is the author of the Twilight series; she was not associated with the MSN project.

She said no one at the tribe was contacted for permission to film on the reservation.

"Anyone who is conducting business on our sovereign nation should go through the proper channels," she said.

Her contact information as well as the tribal numbers appear on the Web site, she said.

Pain and suffering

"This situation has caused an enormous amount of pain and suffering to the Quileute Nation as a whole, but especially to the descendants of the Quileute chief," she said.

"An apology will never erase that hurt.

"Besides heartbreak, I was in shock and perplexed that an organization that presents itself as culturally sensitive and aware to indigenous people's plights all over the world could make such an egregious choice in their own backyards."

Jacobs said the tribe plans to work with MSN, which will produce a series of educational videos that the tribe can use to teach about its culture.

"We need to use the situation as an educational opportunity to teach the world how to conduct themselves when visiting a sovereign nation," said Carol Hatch, Quileute tribal chairwoman.

Among the etiquette guidelines the tribe posted on its site is: "Burial grounds and religious ceremonies are sacred and are not to be entered."

"You can't really erase these situations," Jacobs said.

"But you can utilize it as an educational platform."


::Team Alice:: Ashley Greene Joins The Teens For Jeans Campaign

Ashley Greene has joined the 'Teens For Jeans' campaign. A non-profit organization that collects slightly worn jeans for homeless teens. This will be the third year of the campaign.

If you want be a part of it, just drop off any pair of your gently worn jeans to any AĆ©ropostale store between January 19th and February 14th and they'll make sure they get donated to a local homeless shelter or charity. To say thanks, AĆ©ropostale will give you an additional 25% off your next pair of jeans.

Last year 'Teens for Jeans' collect over 200,000 pairs.


::Team Bella:: Kristen Stewart up for Bafta Rising Star Award

Kristen Stewart goes up against British actress Carey Mulligan for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Rising Star Award.

The winner is decided by a public vote, both by text and online. This is the only BAFTA voted for by the public, which recognizes new young talent. The winner of this year's award will be announced at the BAFTA film awards in London on February 21, 2010.

We send Kristen a heart felt congratulations and the best of luck for this award.


::Team Edward:: Robert Pattinson will be joined by actress Christina Ricci in 'Bel Ami'

Christina Ricci has joined the cast for the movie 'Bel Ami' starring Robert Pattinson and Uma Therman according to a Tweet from Ricci's rep has not yet confirmed the the request from MTV News for confirmation.

'Bel Ami,' filming which is to begin next month in Paris, is an adaptation of an 1885 Guy de Maupassant short story and stars Pattinson as young journalist George Duroy, who rises from rags to riches by seducing Paris' influential society women. Ricci will play Clotilde de Marelle, the wife of an oft-away railway inspector who strikes up a relationship with Duroy. The film also stars Thurman as Clotilde's friend Madeleine Forestier, a onetime friend and mentor who becomes Duroy's lover, and Kristin Scott Thomas as another of Duroy's socialite paramours.


::Team Alice:: 'Twilight' star Ashley Greene wears nothing but body paint for SoBe Lifewater

In a new campaign for SoBe Lifewater actress Ashley Greene shows off her fabulous figure in nothing but body paint. Ashley represents the brand's calorie-free drinks in a series of barely-there "skinsuits" including scaly pink and yellow designs that were painted on her body.

Ashley Greene was quoted saying, "It took the artist 12 hours to paint the SoBe scales on each skinsuit," Greene said of make-up artist Joanne Gair. "But it was totally worth it. It's an experience I'll never forget.
We did two photo shoots, one on the beach and one in a secluded jungle-like setting and it was incredible.It was nice to get away and spend time in such a gorgeous place for a few days."

The photo shoot was taken in Turks and Caicos islands promoting Cherimoya Punch and Strawberry Dragonfruit drinks.


::Team Breaking Dawn:: Stephenie Meyer Says There Is No Drama

Stephanie Meyer has made a public statement on her website answering the rumors that came forth yesterday stating that she and Summit were having creative differences over whether "Breaking Dawn" should be one movie. The following is her note to the fans directly from her website:

"Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I've said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I'm all for it. Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I've spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way. We're all excited to move forward on this, and we are slowly and surely getting there. I know people are anxious for news, and so sometimes gossip get fabricated to stir things up, but there's no basis to this particular story.



Monday, January 11, 2010

::Team Jasper:: Jackson Rathbone in Dread Movie

The latest by Clive Barker, Dread, arrives in theaters on January 29. It's just one of the eight films in the series of films.

Dr. Cullen's Love Shack is proud to bring you a first look at the official trailer for the film which stars Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Evans, Hanne Steen and Laura Donnelly. Rathbone and Evans play students who get embroiled in a fear study that goes awry. Anthony DiBlasi writes and directs.

::Team Breaking Dawn:: Stephenie Meyer OPPOSED to spliting Breaking Dawn

It's a new year, a new decade, and time for more "Twilight" drama! Surprisingly enough, this time it doesn't involve any of the cast members or crew, but instead the big moguls behind the series itself. E! Online's Ted Casablanca reports news from his Deep Twi that Stephenie Meyer and Summit Entertainment still having disputes over whether "Breaking Dawn" should be one film or two, which is what is causing production on the final installment of the film series to be at a standstill.
"Both sides have very different agendas," Ted reports his mole as saying.
Apparently Stephenie doesn't think two movies is the right thing to do "creatively" for the series (and neither do we), while Summit wants to milk its cash cow for all it's worth. Things haven't gotten dirty yet, but the way "Deep Twi" describes it, all the pressure is on Stephenie.

"They keep trying to persuade her it's the right thing to do artistically. They're constantly waiting for her input," the source is reported to have said.
At this time last year, after the success of "Twilight," shooting for "New Moon" was already underway and a director for "Eclipse" was being picked. Now, "New Moon" has already been released and "Eclipse" is in the editing room, but there hasn't even been a director picked out for "Breaking Dawn." "Eclipse" is set to hit theaters in five months, and if some major steps haven't been made in film production by then, Summit and Stephenie are going to have a lot of angry, anxious fans on their hands.


::Team Breaking Dawn:: Summit Speaks. FINALLY! Chris Weitz not looking good for BD.

Summit on Breaking Dawn: No decision on how many films, “don’t think” Weitz directsAmong the many topics discussed here on this blog, and especially on my Twitter, are questions about The Twilight Saga. More specifically, "what's the deal with Breaking Dawn?" I've avoided saying too much here because most of the information being posted (leaked) has been nothing but rumors and speculation. But thanks to the astute Los Angeles Times' writer Gina McIntyre, we may have some bonafide facts.

Let's get right to the bottom line: McIntyre spoke directly with the film's producer Wyck Godfrey, who is stating publicly that no decision has yet been made as to whether or not the Breaking Dawn novel will be split into two scripts (and two movies) or one. But we've heard that before. What is news, though, is that he is all but confirming that New Moon director Chris Weitz will NOT be back to helm Breaking Dawn, one film or two. He's also confirming that the three stars are on board and the plan is to begin shooting this fall in Vancouver.

"I think everyone would be happy and excited if he came back, but I don't think it's going to happen," Godfrey told The Times. "But right now we're just focused on the treatment and getting that right. At that point, we're going to see who's available and who's appropriate. It's such a complicated book because you have the emotions and the intensity of the love story -- so you need somebody who's just a wonderful director of actors -- and yet it's really complicated from an action and visual effects standpoint. They've got to have both tools in their kit."

As for breaking up Breaking Dawn into two films, "It's a work in process," said Godfrey. "The issue [of whether there will be one or two movies] is not going to be resolved until we get the full treatment and see whether it's organic. If it's not organic, I don't think it will be done, and if it is, it will be. It really has to do with how much level of detail from the books there is, with all of these new vampires that appear in Breaking Dawn, the whole section about Jacob...It's a very long single movie if it does become a single movie."

The three principal actors, Kristen Stewart, Rob Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner have apparently completed their negotiations and are "signed," indicating that Summit may have brokered a deal which would cover either one or two movies. Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg is back on board and hard at work on what will be either one or two films, but whatever the outcome, Breaking Dawn will be made "with an eye toward beginning to shoot in Vancouver this fall."

My own sources have confirmed the information contained in McIntyre's article.


::Team Carlisle:: Peter Facinelli On Keeping His Twitter 'Pure': 'I Don't Want To Sell My Followers'

Peter Facinelli tells Access Hollywood about keeping his Twitter pure and not selling his followers anything. He does not intent to use this outlet for commercial use.

He was quoted saying, "It's a great way to share information with them and it's also a great way to entertain, I like being able to put a smile on people's faces and I like being able to also mix that up with sharing information with them that's important and also letting them know what I'm doing. I mean I've had people come to me and say, 'Hey, will you Tweet this out?' There's like paid advertisement stuff. I'm not into that. I like to keep my Twitter pure. I don't want to sell my followers anything."


::Team Breaking Dawn:: L.A. Times confirms that Breaking Dawn could begin shooting this fall.

Wyck Godfrey, the producer of all the films in the "Twilight" saga, has confirmed to the L.A. Times that the next installment of the saga, Breaking Dawn Movie will be either one or two installments -- with an eye toward beginning to shoot in Vancouver this fall. He has also confirmed that Kristen Stewert, Robert Pattinson & Taylor Lautner have been signed on for the project.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

::Team Twi-Fic :: Fan Fiction Reviews! Lemons after dark!

Hey Sparkly Ones,
Winter is in full gear so what better way to keep warm that with these LEMONY HOT selections from The Love Shack Smut Pack! It's a burden we must bear to read and share these stories with each and every one of you budding h00rz! LOL So here's your hawtness for the week to keep your toes curled and warm! And I know it's Sunday, sorry! Snow makes me highly unmotivated!

Thanks again to Cullen Sister, @CullenLoveShack and @ForksPixie - ::Team Twi-Smut:: for picking these juicy lemons for us!

Fan Fic acronyms to know: AU=Alternate Universe, AH=All Human, OOC=Out of Character, Canon=As Stephenie Meyer wrote it, M=Rated Mature. Stories are ranked from 1-5 Sparkles for writing skill, story and plot and overall story quality as it relates to the Twilight Universe.

The following Reviews are from @CullenLoveShack

A Litany at Dusk by Duskwatcher2153
Rated: M
Type: Romance with Dark Themes AU Canon couples Vampires
POV: Bella and Edward
Status: Work in Progress (24 Chapters complete)
Shack Rating: * * * * * (5 Sparkles!!)

Edward’s rebellious period didn’t last a few years; it lasted seventy.When he finally rejoins his family in Forks, he is dark, dangerous, despairing and desperate. Will Edward be willing to fight for her instead of fighting against her? AU-rated for lemons some dark themes.

This is a wonderfully written story and I am thoroughly enjoying it!! KUDOS to @Duskwatcher!

I recommend "Drowning Pool - Bodies (Let The Bodies Hit The Floor)" ♫ as Edward's song for this story!!!

The following Reviews are from Cullen Sister

Safe Haven by Snowqueens Icedragon

Rated: M
Type: Romance/Mystery AU/AH Canon Couples Very Explicit
POV: Bella and Edward
Status: Complete
Shack Rating: * * * * (4 Sparkles!!)

Edward Cullen is filming his new movie in Las Vegas. His only solace is Bella, who lives and works in the luxury hotel he is staying. But is she all she seems. AU: Story Rated M for a reason. EXPLICIT Adult content... Lots of swearing.. MATURE THEMES


The Port Angeles Players by WriteOnTime
Rated: M
Type: Romance/Humor AU/AH Canon Couples
POV: Various
Status: Complete
Shack Rating: * * * * * (5 Sparkles!!) 17570/1/The_ Port_ Angeles_ Players

New in the town of Forks and eager to please her boss at the university, Bella auditions for a local production of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing". Her co- star is a handsome but confusing local doctor. Is it curtains- up on love?


Housemating Season by AngryBadgerGirl
Rated: M for Lemons
Type: Romance/Humor AU/AH Canon Couples
POV: Bella
Status: Complete
Shack Rating: * * * * * (5 Sparkles!!)

Bella's a freshman at Dartmouth who lives with 5 upperclassmen, including broody Edward, a vegetarian with a fixation on vampires. Plot line similar to the original Twi novel w/o the cockblocking and with more laughs. LEMONS, AH, canon pairings, BPOV.
The following Reviews are from @ForksPixie

Insecurities by JamesRamsey
Rated: M for mature themes.
Type: Romance/Drama - Non-Canon Couples AU/OOC Vampires
POV: Bella and Jasper
Status: Not yet Complete, but 22 chapter into its completion
Shack Rating: * * * * * (5 Sparkles!!)

Suddenly, I realized the family had it wrong. I had it wrong. Jasper was not attacking me and Edward was not protecting me. AU OOC Rated M to be safe –

The Authors first story, but you wouldn’t know it…incredibly written. A Team Jasper story that is unique & not following the same story line as most J/B stories I have recently encountered. Enjoy!

Forkspixie recommends Jack Johnson - Angel to go with this story!

That does it for this week! Make it a Lemony week! Stay warm!!!

::Team Edward:: RPattz to star in Comic Book

Robert Pattinson to star in comic book. Coventry Telegraph is reporting that Robert Pattinson is going to be one of the celebrities to star in a new comic book series titled "Fame". Lady Gaga is to kick off a new comic book series revolving around the lives of pop culture icons.

Future issues of Bluewater's "Fame" series will focus on various stars such as Robert Pattinson, 50 Cent, David Beckham and Taylor Swift.

“Fame gives us the ability to tell more interesting stories about a wider variety of notable personalities. Conversely, it allows us to focus the scope of our other biography titles to more socially and political important figures.” Davis added. What do you guys think of Robert being a comic book icon? As if he needs any more fame boosters, am I right?