Saturday, January 16, 2010

::Team HUMAN:: HAITI NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Join us in helping our fellow humans.

 EDIT:  I want to let our readers know that Dr. Cullen's Love Shack supports Yele  Haiti.  Wyclef Jean's Foundation. I know some of you might have heard some bullshit rumors today regarding that organization, however your Blogstress - Lisa, has followed Wyclef - his music and his organization for many years.  He is straight up and for real.  He is Haitian, he loves his people and he has had more boots on the ground than anyone in this past week.  I have no problems giving him the money that I KNOW in my heart will get to the people who need it.  So if you haven't yet, Text YELE to 501501 and KNOW your 5.00 will get where it needs to be

xxoo- Lisa 

Yele Haiti
This orga­ni­za­tion, founded by Wyclef Jean, cre­ates projects to improve the qual­ity of edu­ca­tion, health, envi­ron­ment and com­mu­nity devel­op­ment in Haiti. To donate to to its Haiti relief efforts, go to or text YELE to 501501 to donate $5.


Haiti has been hit with back to back earth­quakes tonight. The island is dev­as­tated. The Amer­i­can Red Cross is request­ing your help. If you can donate, even if it’s only a dol­lar please donate (the link from The Amer­i­can Red Cross is for inter­na­tional dona­tions). Haiti is an extremely poor coun­try and has been hit repeat­edly over the past few years by hur­ri­canes.  The island is in dire need of help. You can make your dona­tion here or by fol­low­ing the link from the arti­cle below. You can also donate to the Cana­dian Red Cross.
The Red Cross has set up a sys­tem where you can send dona­tions via text, you can donate 10$ by tex­ting “HAITI” to 90999 (see info below) ,  Wyclef Jean has also set up a way to send dona­tions via text (5$). Text YELE to 501 501 .We’ve also pro­vided links to var­i­ous agen­cies, as well as phone num­bers for peo­ple search­ing for loved ones.

5:20 pm The Amer­i­can Red Cross is pledg­ing an ini­tial $200,000 to assist com­mu­ni­ties impacted by this earth­quake, and is pre­pared to take fur­ther action as local respon­ders assess the sit­u­a­tion. As with most earth­quakes, we expect to see imme­di­ate needs for food, water, tem­po­rary shel­ter, med­ical ser­vices and emo­tional support.
The Amer­i­can Red Cross is accept­ing dona­tions through our Inter­na­tional Response Fund.
5:50 pm We are gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion about the earth­quake in Haiti. We will update this space as we receive facts. For now, USGS has infor­ma­tion.

You can call 1–800-418‑1111 to make a dona­tion or visit

Peo­ple in the UK can donate to Oxfam by vis­it­ing their site here.

For peo­ple search­ing for loved ones, The Red Cross has set up the fol­low­ing site

Ph0ne Num­bers:
For Amer­i­cans search­ing for loved ones (State Depart­ment) 1–888-407‑4747

More links if you want to help  from CNN:

Amer­i­can Red Cross
The Amer­i­can Red Cross’ pri­mary focus dur­ing the ini­tial response of an emer­gency is feed­ing, shel­ter­ing and sup­ply­ing any other basic needs. To donate: Go to, hit donate now but­ton at top and then Inter­na­tional Response Fund. You also can text “Haiti” to 90999 to donate $10 to the Inter­na­tional Response Fund. The money will go directly to relief efforts in Haiti. Or call 1–800-Red-Cross.
This non­profit dis­as­ter relief orga­ni­za­tion deliv­ers med­i­cine, med­ical sup­plies and aid to peo­ple in cri­sis around the world. To donate, call 1–800-486-HELP or go to Dona­tions will go toward med­i­cine and med­ical sup­plies and for expenses for pro­vid­ing that med­ical aid.
This human­i­tar­ian organization’s main focus is to fight global poverty, specif­i­cally by empow­er­ing mar­gin­al­ized women and girls. To donate to the Haiti relief fund effort, go to or call 1–800-521-CARE. Money will go toward food, water and san­i­ta­tion, shel­ter and emer­gency health response.
Direct Relief International
Direct Relief pro­vides med­ical atten­tion to those in need on an ongo­ing basis and in emer­gen­cies. Mon­e­tary dona­tions go toward med­ical aid, sup­plies and equip­ment in Haiti. To donate, go or call 805–964-4767 and 800–676-1638, or go through Google Checkout.
Medecins sans Fron­tieres (Doc­tors With­out Borders)
The human­i­tar­ian orga­ni­za­tion deliv­ers med­ical care to peo­ple caught in cri­sis. Dona­tions to its Haiti relief efforts will go toward repair­ing the obstet­rics and trauma hos­pi­tals in Haiti that were dam­aged in the earth­quake. They also will go to trans­port­ing an addi­tional 70 doc­tors and med­ical sup­plies to the island in an effort to set up makeshift emer­gency med­ical response cen­ters. To donate, go to or call 1–888-392‑0392.
Inter­na­tional Med­ical Corps
This emer­gency response agency focuses on health in emer­gency sit­u­a­tions. Mon­e­tary dona­tions go toward pur­chas­ing med­ical sup­plies, med­i­cine and emer­gency kits and trans­port­ing these sup­plies. 1–800-481‑4462 or go to
Med­ical Teams International
The Chris­t­ian global health orga­ni­za­tion sends vol­un­teer med­ical teams and sup­plies to those in the midst of dis­as­ter or poverty. Mon­e­tary dona­tions will go to sup­port­ing the med­ical teams being sent to Haiti and to the cost of ship­ping the med­ical sup­plies donated by cor­po­ra­tions. Donate by going to and click­ing on the “Donate Now” but­ton, or call 1–800-959-HEAL (4325) or send a check to Med­ical Teams Inter­na­tional, P.O. Box 10, Port­land, OR 97207.
Mercy Corps
The orga­ni­za­tion pro­vides human­i­tar­ian assis­tance and eco­nomic oppor­tu­ni­ties in the world’s tough­est places, specif­i­cally those deal­ing with poverty, con­flict and insta­bil­ity. To donate, go Money will go toward imme­di­ate human­i­tar­ian needs in Haiti, which may include, food, water and tem­po­rary shelter.
Oper­a­tion USA
The inter­na­tional relief agency pro­vides fund­ing for recon­struc­tion and devel­op­ment aid to com­mu­ni­ties that have expe­ri­enced dis­as­ters, dis­ease and poverty. For its Haiti relief efforts, the agency plans to use dona­tions for health care mate­ri­als, water purifi­ca­tion sup­plies and food sup­ple­ments. To donate, go to or call 1–800-678‑7255, or mail a check to Oper­a­tion USA, 3617 Hay­den Ave., Suite A, Cul­ver City, CA 90232.
Save the Children
The inde­pen­dent orga­ni­za­tion focuses on chil­dren in need in the U.S. glob­ally through pro­grams for health and nutri­tion, child pro­tec­tion and edu­ca­tion. To donate, go to and look under “lat­est news” for the Haiti press release, which has a link to the dona­tion page, or call 1–800-728‑3843 or 203–221-4030. Dona­tions will go toward pur­chas­ing relief items, such as hygiene kits, fam­ily kits (pots, pans, food prepa­ra­tion items) and tarps.
The Sal­va­tion Army
The Sal­va­tion Army’s mis­sion is to pro­vide food, shel­ter, cloth­ing and spir­i­tual com­fort dur­ing dis­as­ters. To donate money, go or call 1–800-SAL-ARMY. Make sure you des­ig­nate the dona­tion for “Haiti Earth­quake.” Money will go to the Sal­va­tion Army in Haiti, which will deter­mine the country’s imme­di­ate needs, includ­ing water, food, med­i­cine and transportation.
The non­profit deliv­ers boxes of sup­plies to fam­i­lies of up to 10 peo­ple. The boxes con­tain a tent and essen­tial equip­ment to use while indi­vid­u­als are dis­placed or home­less. To donate, call 941–907-6036 or go to
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
The national com­mit­tee for UNICEF is respon­si­ble for the organization’s fundrais­ing. UNICEF uses the money for health care, clean water, nutri­tion, edu­ca­tion and emer­gency relief. To donate, go to or 1–800-4-UNICEF.
World Food Programme
The food assis­tance agency’s main focus is to fight hunger world­wide. The orga­ni­za­tion is work­ing to bring food to Haiti. To donate, go to
Yele Haiti
This orga­ni­za­tion, founded by Wyclef Jean, cre­ates projects to improve the qual­ity of edu­ca­tion, health, envi­ron­ment and com­mu­nity devel­op­ment in Haiti. To donate to to its Haiti relief efforts, go to or text YELE to 501501 to donate $5.