The Official TWILIGHT Convention returns to the great city of NASHVILLE this weekend (March 11-13, 2011) and you are invited to join the celebration! Due to filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Parts 1 & 2 there have been a number of changes to our guest list.
We have a wonderful weekend planned now headlined by Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale), Gil Birmingham (Billy Black), Charlie Bewley (Demetri of The Volturi), Leah Gibson (Nettie in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), Jodelle Ferland (Bree Tanner of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), Patrick Brennan (Liam from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2), and Guri Weinberg (Romanian Coven Vampire Stefan from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2.
Click through to for full details and the complete schedule of events.
For those of you that have separate autograph and/or photo op tickets for guests that were unable to make it please bring your tickets to registration and we will exchange it for a voucher with which you can purchase other tickets or merchandise or send back to us for a refund (up to one month after the convention).
TICKETS are available at the door: come on down for the fun!
Friday, March 11, 2011
::Team Twilight:: Fan Fiction Friday
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I know you’re beggin’ for a bite, just a little taste, he’s just so dang scrumptious, you begin to salivate at the mere sight of him. And the trouble is he really thinks he’s scary, but he’s just too adorable to frighten anyone. Don’t tell him that though. I know a lot of you may think I’m talking about Edward here, but I don’t care what team you’re on, everyone craves a little bit of Emmett from time to time. So, just for Kellan’s birthday, you should head to the blue door, knock the beat of “Rhythm of Love” by the Plain White T's and the password is “Emmett”. Be Safe!

Reflecting on our trip, we’d had a lot of fun in New Orleans and after the incident with the voodoo shop owner, we tried very hard to not scare anyone else. However, as we got closer and closer to Mardi Gras, it appeared that the general public got drunker and drunker which also meant that they stopped paying much attention to us altogether. Rosalie had the best time throwing beads and Edward managed to talk his way into jamming with a local jazz band. It was awesome to see him on stage and it was easy to see how happy it made Bella to hear him; like he had the whole band playing just for her. It made my heart melt.
But right now, I was sitting at gate C36 playing spades with Edward, Bella, and Jasper. Bella was protecting our thoughts so Edward couldn’t cheat and Jasper was keeping me calm so that I was not at a human disadvantage. It was entertaining and currently Bella and I were winning 5 games to the boys 2 games. I wasn’t sure where Alice and Emmett had run off to and Rosalie, Jacob, and Renesmee were all browsing a car magazine, feverishly debating the benefits of a particular brand of spark plug, I think.
I looked up at the board for the gate again, “Las Vegas, NV” scrolled across the LED panel. When I reviewed our itinerary last night I could have sworn we were connecting through Denver, but the gate Alice sent us to had yet to indicate a Denver flight and although I was slightly confused, I was too exhausted to put up a fight. I was simply along for the ride. So I played my hand.

“Why bother?” Edward shrugged. “You and Andi are killing us.”
“Afraid you’ll lose again?” she taunted back.
“Honestly? Yes.” He laughed as he answered her. She smiled back at him and kissed him lightly. Then she turned back to me, “so, got anything new to read?”
“Oh, I have some excellent things to read,” I smiled at her and reached into my bag for my netbook. “Give me your Kindle and I’ll load them.” She handed it over and once my machine was up and running, I plugged it in and started transferring files.
I was scrolling through my directories, when a balled up piece of paper hit me in the back of the head. I picked it up and turned around, but nothing was there. I turned back to my computer. Another ball of paper hit me and I turned again, but saw no one. I rolled my eyes and faced my computer again. A third ball of paper hit me and I spun in my seat, “Emmett!” I growled under my breath.
“What?” he answered from the seat beside me that was previously empty.
“Stop.” I told him simply.
“Stop what?” he asked feigning innocence, but smiling at me.
“Stop hitting me with paper.” I stated and turned back to my screen. “Where did you and Alice go anyway?”
“We had to go change our flights to the one to Vegas.” He sat back in the seat as though this was the most normal thing in the world.
“Why are we going through Vegas? Was Denver not a good place to change planes?”
“Oh, I’m sure Denver would have been fine, but we’re going to crash a birthday party.”
“We are?” I was now intrigued and he knew it. “Who’s birthday party?”

“Awesome!” I responded unplugging Bella’s Kindle. “Here Bella, I’m done.” As I leaned across the space to hand it back to her, I felt another ball of paper hit me in the head.
I turned to face him, “Why do you keep doing that?”
“I’m bored and you’re funny” he chuckled.
“I’ll make a deal with you, if you stop throwing paper at me, I’ll make sure all my stories this week feature you, in honor of Kellan’s birthday. Deal?”
“Sweet! Deal!” he answered, but continued to play with the paper in his hands.
“But if you hit me with anymore paper the deal is off, got it?” I sat back with my netbook and plugged in my wireless modem.
“Fine.” He said with a pout on his face.
“Now go away, Babe, you’re bothering me.” I told him patting his leg and smiling at him. Then he patted my head and I heard him say, “Oh Rosie!” just before he walked away from me.
Now, I don’t have a clue what he and Rose may have done at the airport, but he didn’t come back to bother me, so I’m keeping my promise and boy did I find some deals for you. I hope these fulfill all your Emmett fantasies.
My first drool worthy Emmett tale is titled, “The Ice Queen and Mister McCarty” by SebastienRobichaud. Emmett McCarty is a partner attorney for Smithson and Sons and he’s very good at what he does. It’s just unfortunate that his office is right beside the water cooler and he’s subjected to much more gossip than he’d like. Of course, being a highly intelligent, former college athlete, Emmett is intimately aware that things are not always as they appear. So when he’s caught defending the honor of the office “Ice Queen”, he becomes even more aware that there’s something she’s hiding under this cold armor she’s wrapped around herself. Will his warm personality and gentle nature, be enough to thaw her so that she can finally be herself again? This is an excellent story from an amazing author, so I know you’ll enjoy it.
Now, because its Kellan’s birthday and he never got back to me on twitter as to whether he preferred cake or pie, I’m going to go with an Emmett preference. In breaking dawn, Emmett and Jasper were contemplating the hunting possibilities in the Amazon, one of which were jaguars, so I’m suggesting something better than cake, called “Jaguar Bars”
1 cup Butter
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon Baking soda
1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups chopped dates
1 cup chopped Walnuts
vanilla glaze
2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup Milk
Soften butter, blend with sugars and eggs until mixture is fluffy, Stir in vanilla and dates. Let stand for 5 minutes to soften dates. Add salt, cinnamon, and soda; mix well. Add flour and blend until all dry ingredients are moist. Stir in nuts.
Spread into an 11" x 17" cookie sheet pan with sides. Bake at 325 for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely then cut into 2.5" x 3" rectangles.
Mix glaze until all sugar is dissolved and smooth. Drizzle over bars and allow to dry completely (usually overnight, so you'll want to cover with paper towels or another cookie sheet of equal size) before removing from pan.

Well, we'll get back to the Shack someday, but until next week. If you're part of my challenge, be sure to log the chapters you've reviewed for the Million Word Reading Challenge (I've released part of the fic I was challenged to write, you can find it under the title "In Nature"), Tweet (FanFicDealer), Message me on Facebook, or email ( if you want to talk shop.
The deal has been made. ;)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
::Team Jasper:: 100 Monkey's Official Novel Available for Pre-Order

Now before you start screaming "OMG!OMG!OMG!", take a deep breath while I tell you a few of the details, so you can judge for yourself:
- The release date is April 1st.
- Nowhere on their official website does it say what the book is about.
- You can pre-order a signed copy for $40 and an unsigned copy for $10.
- They have created a commercial for the book, which still doesn't reveal what the book is about.
- The book in the commercial looks like a bound library book with a sticker on it.
- It could be fiction or non-fiction, your guess is as good as mine.
So, here's where I'm going with this; given the date of publication, is this real? Or simply an elaborately planned April Fools joke?
Here's a link to the sale of the book if you're willing to take the risk.
You tell me. ;)
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