Saturday, August 21, 2010

::Team Volturi:: Marcus ( Christopher Heyerdahl) at New Jersey Twi Con

From Guest Blogger Mariza in New Jersey:

He would want Marcus's power of love or teleportation but he would miss actually travelling. Seeing the ocean & mountain. What would be perfect is if he teleport, fly and not be cold, that would be perfect. Being part of the Twilight phenomenon has been "cool".

Chris said that Rob has dibs on the slippers. Daniel Culdmore asked Marcus to have the have the slippers during filming. You'd have to beat Rob up for them.

Chris found out about Twilight from his niece. Marcus would love the opportunity to slap Caius in Breaking Dawn. He'd love a Volturi fight.

Chris is tri-lingual. He learned French in France, not Canada. Damn he sounds sexy speaking French. He also speaks Norwegian.

"How do you stay so monotone & dead through all of your scenes?" Chris: Michael demands all the limelight so he figures he'll just stay at the side and sleep.

Chris filmed 2 movies with Dolph Lundgren. He just imitated his Swedish accent.

There isn't a "Stargate" Movie in the works. Chris isn't sure why imDb keeps posting it. Though he would love for it to happen.

Chris doesn't know any of the Jersey Shore casts!!! *fist pumps* I know he didn't just compare the "Jersey Shore" to the Wolf Pack...he did say they're definitely not as HOT. LMFAO!

What Chris loves most about his character is that he just touches Aro to let him know what he's thinking. He wishes Marcus would snap out of being so caught up in the "love" that he can't get over.

Chris's fave character in Twilight is Emily!