Friday, March 26, 2010

::Team Jasper:: MTV's Hollywood Crush Interview with Jackson Rathbone

If you're dieing to see some fight scenes in the next Eclipse trailer, you're not alone. Jackson Rathbone spoke to MTV's Hollywood Crush about Eclipse and is hoping the next trailer shows more vampires battling it out.

Jackson told Hollywood Crush, "There are some really cool action scenes, we worked with some amazing stunt men and women who were so incredible and just a lot of fun to work with and collaborate with. They taught me a lot. So I hope to see a lot more of the action [in the next 'Eclipse' trailer].

As we all know, Jasper Hale's character is explored in Eclipse and we get to see more about his background in the film and yes, I am dieing to see that boy in uniform! Jackson talks about what we will get to see of Jasper in the movie, "I'm excited for a step up with Jasper's character, It's been two, three years and now I get to kind of go outside and show a little bit more of what makes Jasper tick. We get to go into his back story — see where he came from, who he was before, what makes him who we see in the first film of 'Twilight,' what makes him seem like he's always in pain, why he's always in pain ... because he is."

He is asked by HC why Jasper is in angony & Jackson replied, "He's almost depressed, he wants to live a good life. He wants to be part of the Cullen family. He is the newest to this vegetarian vampire way of life, and he's still trying to be part of that and address his inner demons and what he used to be. It was really fun to be able to express that."

Jackson credits director David Slade, whom he called "amazing," with helping to show how Jasper evolved into his present self. "I've always been a fan of his, especially his first film, 'Hard Candy.' I thought he did an incredible job with '30 Days of Night,' so when I first got there, I talked his ear off about '30 Days of Night' and how he got a couple of shots and all that."

Some of Jackson's favorite scenes to film were the ones that explore Jasper's origins. "Whenever we got to go into Jasper's back story," he said, "I got to don the Civil War regalia and ride a horse. It had been years since I'd been on a horse, so it was fun. I used to ride when I was in Texas."

Hollywood Crush goes on to say, that according to some folks in the know (i.e. lucky people who have seen parts of the film), Jackson gives one of breakout performances in Eclipse. Jackson, however, brushed off the compliment, saying it was a little too soon to judge. Jackson's response to the compliment, "I'd say wait for the film before you compliment me"