Tuesday, March 30, 2010

::Team Stephenie:: Fan reaction to new novella - not completely positive.

Hey Sparkly Ones,
I find this story a little disheartening. We should praise Stephenie for finishing a story she started a long time ago and to give it to us for free is a double bonus. We Twi-Hards are a bitchy bunch sometimes. I want to make a statement up front that the authors of The Love Shack WHOLEHEARTEDLY support Stephenie Meyer's creative endeavors no matter what they are. We also feel her anger and her pain for the leaked copy of Midnight Sun and completely understand why it hurts her to work on it.  We can wait for as long as it takes her pain to heal to finish that manuscript. We certainly wouldn't be so foolhardy as to demand anything of a woman who has given us such joy on a daily basis!!!!! We hope our Sparkly readers will get behind this and Stephenie and support her new project a million times over!!!!  WE LOVE YOU STEPHENIE! 

Amid the excitement over the announcement Tuesday morning (March 30) that Stephenie Meyer would be releasing a new "Twilight" novella, "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner," on June 5, some fans were upset that the book was not "Midnight Sun." Twilighters shared their opinions with MTV News on Twitter and in the comments, and their reactions ranged from understanding to angry.
"About 90 percent of the fandom is just excited to have anything," said Lori Joffs, co-creator of Twilight Lexicon. "It's the small little bit of about 10 percent of fans who are interested in another story. The story that must not be named."
The "Midnight Sun" controversy started back in August 2008 after half of the novel — a retelling of "Twilight" from Edward Cullen's perspective — leaked onto the Web. Meyer made a statement on her blog saying she felt personally violated by the fact her work was leaked and that the novel was put on hold indefinitely.
Amanda Bell of Twilight Examiner wasn't surprised by the "Midnight Sun" outcry after Meyer's latest book was announced.
"I found it surprising that people initially jumped onto that, but it wasn't a surprise that that's where people went eventually," Bell said. "I kind of expected the 'Midnight Sun' conversation to be rehashed by this news, but I didn't think it would be so immediate."
She said it's tricky, because while most fans understand where Meyer's frustrations came from, they still want the novel to be released as quickly as possible. Fans have been expecting either "Midnight Sun" or the official guide to "The Twilight Saga" to be the next book Meyer released.
But Joffs felt fans weren't reading Meyer's post about the novella closely enough, or they would have seen that Meyer had been working on this story since she first finished writing "Eclipse" many years ago. "The Short Second Life" was written to be included in the "Twilight Saga" companion but had grown too large, and the publisher decided to put it out in conjunction with the film.
"I think that that's where fans are getting upset, because it looks like Stephenie has abandoned writing anything else to write about Bree, and I don't think that's what happened at all," Joffs explained.
This isn't the first time fans have initially been against a decision in the "Twilight" universe. When Robert Pattinson was first cast as Edward Cullen, fans were outraged, but now he is a global heartthrob who can't walk down the street without women screaming at him. Bell said she wouldn't be surprised if "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" followed the same journey.
"This is work by this author about this series that we're all in love with," Bell explained. "People are going to gravitate towards being totally hyped up about it. It's going to be a big deal, for sure."
For Bell, Bree Tanner was a character she had always been interested in. While some fans were confused as to why a character that only appeared for 10 pages in "Eclipse" would be the subject of her own 192-page novella, it made sense to Bell from the beginning.
"While reading the 'Twilight' series, you think that the Cullen family has really good perception of people, and so it was interesting to see that they were kind of willing to take [Tanner] under their wing," Bell said. "There was a reason for that, and I was always curious to know more about her."
Joffs said she empathized with fans dying for a full version of "Midnight Sun," but she saw the publication of "The Short Second Life"' only as a positive. "If this is what it takes — if publishing another novel, another little novella, another side of the story — to get her writing again and to get her back into publication again, I will take it. I'm grateful for anything she puts out there," Joffs said about Meyer. "I will read whatever she publishes, happily."



dolphin62598 said...

I agree with this! I mean don't get me wrong...I'm waiting for Midnight Sun...like dying waiting for it, but I'll happily read anything she publishes and I think that her writing this or publishing this might bring her back to maybe revisit Midnight Sun! One can only hope, but I am excited about this Bree story!