Friday, November 13, 2009

::TEAM TWILIGHT:: An open letter to Catherine Hardwicke from ALL OF US.

Thank you to THINKING OF For this amazing post. I hope she doesn't mind that I am sharing it. Cause I am 300% on board with it!

An Open Letter to Catherine Hardwicke signed FP
Friday, November 13, 2009 posted by justfp @ 6:08 PM

I haven’t writ­ten an open let­ter in a while, last time I did was to Cather­ine Hard­wicke actu­ally. You can find this let­ter here . Since I’ve been hear­ing many things over the past few days I decided it was time to write another let­ter to Cather­ine (not that she’ll actu­ally lis­ten or see it).

Dear Cather­ine,

We all under­stand you pro­duced Twi­light and cast Robert Pat­tin­son. Yes, Twi­light made it big and yes you were behind it, but the thing is Cather­ine, you can’t live the rest of your life off one suc­cess. So maybe it’s time you moved on from Twi­light and actu­ally pro­moted some­thing else you’re doing (sorry I have no clue what you’re doing right now as I don’t keep track). The fact of the mat­ter is that you are no longer pro­duc­ing The Twi­light Saga. Maybe you were hurt by that, or maybe it was your choice, I have no clue. The thing is, you are still talk­ing ‚not only about Twi­light, but about the stars pri­vate lives.

Speak­ing for myself, if my old boss started talk­ing about my pri­vate life to every­one on TV, I would be really pissed off. Why are you doing this? Why are you “out­ing” a rela­tion­ship that is not yours to out and fur­ther­more how do you even know what is going on? Why are you still try­ing to milk this for all it’s worth? Have you taken a step back and noticed that you’re the only per­son who was part of Twi­light talk­ing about this? To me this shows a huge lack of respect. Oh, you keep say­ing how much you love Robert and Kris­ten, but tell me this, would a per­son who really cares and respects them be doing this? I can hon­estly say that I would never give infor­ma­tion on the per­sonal lives of the peo­ple I respect. So, to me that means that no you don’t respect them. You’re doing this for pub­lic­ity. This isn’t some­thing that is yours to reveal Catherine.

Releas­ing footage of the audi­tion? That is so low. I can tell you this Cather­ine, I won’t be watch­ing and I know many oth­ers who won’t be either. Why? Because Rob has said mul­ti­ple times that he wasn’t at the top of his game for that audi­tion, that he was really stressed out. Another rea­son being that if I went to a job inter­view and some­one filmed it, I wouldn’t want them to be air­ing it, even if I was an actor. So no I won’t watch the audi­tion tapes.

It’s sad that you’re not will­ing to move on Cather­ine, because in the end you won’t be remem­bered as the one who pro­duced Twi­light, but as the one who could never keep her mouth shut.

This is Kyndie talking again:

That is the end of her letter but I just want to say that I believe in my heart that Catherine was the leak for Midnight Sun and I will never ever forgive or forget that violation.