Wednesday, March 9, 2011

::Team Jasper:: 100 Monkey's Official Novel Available for Pre-Order

Since, I'm seriously addicted to anything of a literary nature, I'm going to fill you in on this little tidbit: 100 Monkeys claims that they have written a book!!

Now before you start screaming "OMG!OMG!OMG!", take a deep breath while I tell you a few of the details, so you can judge for yourself:

  1. The release date is April 1st.

  2. Nowhere on their official website does it say what the book is about.

  3. You can pre-order a signed copy for $40 and an unsigned copy for $10.

  4. They have created a commercial for the book, which still doesn't reveal what the book is about.

  5. The book in the commercial looks like a bound library book with a sticker on it.

  6. It could be fiction or non-fiction, your guess is as good as mine.

So, here's where I'm going with this; given the date of publication, is this real? Or simply an elaborately planned April Fools joke?

Here's a link to the sale of the book if you're willing to take the risk.

You tell me. ;)